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MasterBot98 t1_jbafzru wrote

What stops NATO from nuking Russian right fucking now? Baltics exist. Huge range delivery systems exist. Submarines exist ffs.
"Expansion of NATO" argument is so fucking stupid, i swear to god.


plssirnomore t1_jbancx7 wrote

So America funds them 150 in 1year ( 5 bill for humanitarian) because they are good guys who always do the good thing in international conflicts?


MasterBot98 t1_jbatjdw wrote

No, because they are greedy (they also have good relations, but one thing breeds the other and it becomes circular logic). If you want to buy shit from Europe, for example, you would consider arming them with weapons (if there is any threat whatsoever). Cos you know, the best deterrent from war is having nukes and a standing army powerful enough so it isn't "worth it" to attack to gain an economical benefit. People rarely do good things' cos they themselves are good (although it happens obv), instead they do it cos it's worth it (or perceived to be worth it anyway).
Also, human motivations are complex, so US could be "partly" doing it believing it is ultimately the right thing to do, is it 0.0001% of motivation or 40%,who the fuck knows(probably mainly greed though).