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montanoj88 OP t1_jb9x48h wrote

I know right, she did a much better job in protecting these kids than the CPS workers who were easily fooled by this man.


Icy_Queen_3436 t1_jb9yyua wrote

He already had a previous charge of sex abuse from 2019, it's crazy he was allowed to adopt all these kids


SallyFairmile t1_jbavd8f wrote

I saw that and was mystified how he was able to adopt so many. Perhaps 'luck' of the timing? Or laziness of investigation?


gringledoom t1_jbamuzx wrote

How is it that CPS seems to have plenty of resources to occasionally ruin parents’ lives for letting their kids walk a quarter mile by themselves to a park in a safe neighborhood. And then they do nothing in egregious cases like this.


TeamADW t1_jbauyon wrote

I've known a few caseworkers, some of them are just frustrated because they know the system isn't worth it and they spent a small fortune to get a government job that pays crap, and there's just some of them that are there just to get the paycheck and they don't care.