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MamaLovesPajamas t1_jbb29p1 wrote

He gave enough info including what state they lived in, number of children, the fact that there had been CPS charges multiple times, his age, how the "dad" fooled cps and the cops, etc. Combined with how the family is on social media.
She encouraged him to report it to the police himself and said that she would if he wouldn't. I listened to the podcast and it is chilling :(


etchie t1_jbbad2l wrote

Do you have a link to the episode? I didn’t see the name of the podcast or anything. Could be something I just missed when reading.


dmanda t1_jbbllty wrote

BlindSkinnedBeauty is the podcast according the article


etchie t1_jbbnvmz wrote

Yeah, I had forgotten it was mentioned. Thank you. Not sure why you were downvoted, you answered my question.