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GreasyPeter t1_jbbcolu wrote

People that are guilty will often preempt any future accusations by building up a portfolio of "proof" that they're not bad so when it invariably does come down on them they can point to their past statements and say "look, that can't be true, why would I have said all these positive things if that wete true?". This is also why it seems like so many public overly vocal male feminist ends up being a sexual predeator. It's not that the actual cause isn't just, it's that they actually never cared in the first place and we're just throwing up shields to protect themselves from prosecution or guilt.


Ok-Captain-3512 t1_jbcr5hd wrote

Unfortunately I've heard that same Argument used against perfectly good people.

YES It's usually the loudest person you have to worry about.

But someone trying to change something isn't a 1:1 transition. The world is full of gray


Northwestchron t1_jbbw10h wrote

>ly does come down on them they can point to their past statements and say "look, that can't be true, why would I have said all these positive things if that wete true?". This is also why it seems like every overly vocal male feminist ends up being a sexual predeator. It's not that the actua

Like Dan price


outcome--independent t1_jbch8hm wrote

Can you give some examples?


GreasyPeter t1_jbckxza wrote

Josh Whedon is a good example. He was seen as (and leaned into) being about female empowerment since Buffy but the it came out down the line that he was often a dick on set and even called some pregnant women fat.

Dan Harmon was similar.

Max Landis evidently although I don't know of him very well.

I'm trying to remember another one a few years ago. Harmon and Whedon have been the big ones I can recently remember. Justin Roiland wasn't really a vocal feminist but I sorta think of him in a similar capacity to Harmon since they worked together but he doesn't really cunt on this list.

Some of them are undoubtedly narcissists so it would be expected from them but not all of them.

Oh, and Matt Lauer.


[deleted] t1_jbclndr wrote



GreasyPeter t1_jbcmmn2 wrote

I reworded it, I meant to say "many" instead of "every". The majority of male feminists aren't sexual predators, but it sure seems like it's more common.


gnatskeeter t1_jbcnj6q wrote

Thank you for editing it. Don’t forget there’s a whole real world offline and away from celebrity culture where actual men march with actual women in the street and they yell and chant slogans and loudly holler at the cops together


LeTreacs t1_jbcqj3j wrote

I wish you’d have made it clear that your post was edited. My comment now makes me look a lot more like a dick without the context of your original post and I wouldn’t have made it at all with the way your comment is now written


Used_Competition4345 t1_jbf8esy wrote

Not a celebrity, but my father ran health and safety teams for his job, organized toy drives and mitten giveaways, was the first to volunteer to train people, and looked like the perfect guy. Then he'd come home, get drunk, and beat us, lock us outside, throw our shit outside, or just throw it out if he wasn't happy. And nobody believed a damn thing. He also threatened me with legal action when I emancipated myself.


outcome--independent t1_jbfro5p wrote

I hope you're in a safe place now, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I believe you.


Used_Competition4345 t1_jbgp2az wrote

Thank you, I am, and even though it's been a while and I no longer blame myself, it's nice to hear.


gnatskeeter t1_jbcrmbr wrote

^^^ the comment above was edited. The word “every” has been replaced with “so many”.


GreasyPeter t1_jbd2znr wrote

I state in another comment that I edited it and why.


gnatskeeter t1_jbd3ftq wrote

It should say “edited“ somewhere within the actual post that’s been edited


gnatskeeter t1_jbbpccr wrote

Downvote this comment if you hate women


gnatskeeter t1_jbd4ya9 wrote

I can play “Edit the comment without notification” too


GreasyPeter t1_jbcj6iu wrote

If he makes a point of constantly telling people that didn't ask, IMO yes. Whenever someone volunteers information no one asked for it's usually because of an insecurity.


gnatskeeter t1_jbcl3g9 wrote

Ok. The way it’s worded above says nothing about volunteering information without being asked. It just says ‘overly vocal’. That can have at least two very different meanings. Generalizing groups of people is never a good idea. Have a few overly vocal male “celebrity feminists” turned out to be real sicko creeps? Yes. Does ‘every overly vocal male feminist seem to end up being a sexual predator’? No.


GreasyPeter t1_jbcml6j wrote

I typed it really fast at work and had to rewrite a little. I wasn't trying to say every male feminist but I realize I had typed that, my bad. Most male feminists aren't sexual predetors.


LeTreacs t1_jbbn03k wrote

Alright fellas, don’t try and stand up for equality too hard or people are gonna assume you’re a sexual predator.


johnjeudiTitor t1_jbbtzmj wrote

idk he kinda has a point about "overly vocal"

if you actually give a fuck about women you shouldn't need to broadcast it, your actions speak for themselves. It really does seem to be the loudest ones that are the worst hypocrites, and this goes for anything


weakhamstrings t1_jbcs13v wrote

The person they are replying to edited the word "every" to instead say "many" thus making the previous person's response look really inflammatory


barsoapguy t1_jbbx0lv wrote

Well realistically they’re probably loud IN PERSON at events where they can meet and impress women.

I mean I guess if it works then that’s just how they play the game. 🤷🏿‍♂️


LeTreacs t1_jbc19kt wrote

Silence is consent. And silence where life and liberty is at stake, where by a timely protest we could stay the destoyer's hand, and do not do so, is as criminal as giving actual aid to the oppressor, for it answers his purpose.

  • Ernestine Rose

johnjeudiTitor t1_jbc5guz wrote

I agree with the quote, it's true.

however (and I'll admit I'm not sure), if this is in argument to my comment it would mean that you think I'm equating "overly vocal" with saying anything at all. Which, by definition of the words, I'm not


LeTreacs t1_jbcese1 wrote

It’s an expansion of my point.

Hypocrites are loud, but that doesn’t mean the loudest voices are Hypocrites. You know, all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares kinda thing.

True equality between the sexes will come when we’re all in agreement, and this kind of rhetoric that any outwardly spoken man for feminism is likely to be guilty of sexual assault stops men from wanting to actually help be part of the movement.

Half the population can’t achieve equality alone, but Reddit does love its outrage I suppose


johnjeudiTitor t1_jbcmjin wrote

i simply disagree, and i avoided making that generalization so please understand me:

i do not think that we will be furthered into equality by having more outspoken men.

even if what they're saying is supportive, I think true equality is easier to reach by actions.

Also no one is outraged, but if you have to invent parts of my position just to argue with it there's not much point in continuing this conversation


LeTreacs t1_jbcpzwt wrote

I didn’t say you made the generalisation, but it was made further up the thread.

Men need to be on board with equality to have equality. That requires some men to be out spoken. We just disagree on this point.

Speaking is an action, if someone’s being sexist and you say that’s wrong, you have taken an action.

I’m not outraged, I’m not saying you’re outraged. It’s a generally statement about Reddit in general


KaimeiJay t1_jbcbk92 wrote

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Blame the men who are ruining it for everyone else.


GreasyPeter t1_jbcjew8 wrote

If they make a point of constantly telling people or bringing it up just so they can show how good of an ally they are. Nobody says you can't or shouldn't defend women's rights and equality when it actually comes up, but if a dude is bringing it up a lot, it might be because they're insecure about something they've done or wish to do.