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ohheyisayokay t1_jbkax04 wrote

>Forcing a person to accept a theory as a law is the same as forcing a religion onto them

He says as he laments that it is harder to force his religion into people now.

And I see what you're trying to do by inaccurately labeling homosexuality "a theory." But "theory" doesn't mean "thing I don't want to accept."

Actual scientific research leaves no doubt that sexuality isn't a choice. You don't have to accept it, it's just there.

And frankly, nobody cares if you accept that or not. This law doesn't force you to believe anything. You can still be as bigoted as you want when it comes to LGBTQ issues. Hell, you can still be a racist! But you can't discriminate against people based on race or sexual identity.

They don't get to discriminate against you, you don't get to discriminate against them. If you don't like equality, you're living in the wrong country.