LadyDye_ t1_jcefspl wrote
Well this is dope as fuck
MrHoopersDead t1_jcego2i wrote
"Doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!"
silverbolt2000 t1_jceirtc wrote
From the source paper at
>The rate of complete remission or complete remission with partial haematologic recovery (CR/CRh) was 30% (95% confidence interval (CI) 18.8–43.2) in 18 of 60 evaluable patients with undetectable measurable residual disease (MRD)
So, not terrible - but still not a silver bullet.
snekbat t1_jcezg7l wrote
Great! Time to increase the price to $200.000 per pill, imagine the profits!
ohmynards85 t1_jcf7jet wrote
Jesus christ this is just what I needed.
I just got lost for an hour reading posts about imperial Japan and the Khmer rouge.
Daltizer01 t1_jcff4rr wrote
There's no way big pharma will let this be accessible to the public if it's any good
IceColdPorkSoda t1_jcfjirn wrote
I wonder if this will be the most stupid thing I read on Reddit all day. Probably not.
SoAOIP16 t1_jcfngbi wrote
A bullet nonetheless, u/silverbolt2000. Not everything needs to be sliver.
Gamebird8 t1_jcfnrgb wrote
Yep, we may have figured out a cure for 30% of people.
Needs further testing and a larger sample size to confirm. But progress is always good
SoAOIP16 t1_jcfnzb5 wrote
The real question is, have they tried silver?
voss749 t1_jcfyum0 wrote
Sure they will if it works theyll just charge $10,000 a dose
dex1999 t1_jcg06zp wrote
No it will be $199.99 per pill.
crilen t1_jcg1omd wrote
Trying to make some smurfs?
dayyob t1_jcg5aec wrote
give it to me. i have a type of cancer GIST which is same genetic mutation as leukemia. i hope this pill works for me and i can get it when i need it. currently being treated with Gleevec (going on year 5) and would love to stop taking it.
vldracer16 t1_jcggjfr wrote
That's such great news!!!!
NatalyaRostova t1_jcgjiip wrote
It's a good idea to incentivize companies to invest in moon-shot treatments for cancer that only have a 1-2% chance of success.
Ipad_is_for_fapping t1_jcgla8j wrote
Wait till you find out how much it’ll cost
[deleted] t1_jcgqnhr wrote
simojako t1_jcgw5xc wrote
Why? People are not gonna stop getting cancer.
ThatsMrsY2u t1_jcgx341 wrote
It’ll never happen here in the States because cancer = $$$$ and they don’t care
Zeniphyre t1_jcgxppy wrote
It's only specific types of cancer and it's also not as curative as the title makes it sound. It's a step in the right direction at least
fried_eggs_and_ham t1_jch95lw wrote
I can't believe this title actually says people and not mice. Finally!
PeloquinsHunger t1_jchkv3v wrote
Okay now make a time machine so we can save my grandma.
BigDaddyFatPants t1_jci1lm5 wrote
Oh for fucks sakes don't cure cancer publicly. They will have to invent something worse.
Scooter411 t1_jci2la0 wrote
The person you are replying to is saying 200,000 per pill.
Many places use a . where you are used to seeing a ,.
Scooter411 t1_jci2oxz wrote
Happy cake day - now quit talking the truth.
Ipad_is_for_fapping t1_jci5dvj wrote
Ooo cake! Didn’t even notice!
jrc83 t1_jcialft wrote
In other news experimental miracle pill owner mysteriously dies in a fire along with all the paperwork for said cancer drug.
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