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DespressoCafe t1_jci9v8n wrote

He has "success"....because he came from money. He takes credit for the work of others. He didn't found Tesla, he bought it. He didn't invent any of those cars, his workers did. He can't even credit an artist who's work he reposted when people politely asked him to. And any time he does something cringe or throws a shit fit, Tesla's stock goes down.

And what of Twitter? Also something he bought, and screwed a lot of people over. Especially small artists who already struggled because the algorithm was shit, and the only "viable" way to avoid it is a stupid subscription service he wanted to impliment, as if he needs more fuckibg money. He's so stupid that he fired the "bottom half" of his staff because they had the least amount of coding (PS, less coding is more efficient).

Most autistic people here do notcome fom money or even a decent family, never mind their income. We live from paycheck to paychck or disability if we got lucky jumping through hoops. And even then that money doesn't come for weeks or months.

He's everything autistic people SHOULD NOT strive to be.