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TheDorkNite1 t1_jdpp75u wrote

>God was listening!

Seems cruel in comparison to just having them be born without this unnecessary complication in the first place.


EdensGarden333 t1_jdpqb54 wrote

Sometimes we humans can’t control what happens to us, whether it is good or bad. The surgery worked, one twin is home and, God willing, the second twin will be coming home soon! We need to take the Blessings when we get them! Pray for the second twin to be strong enough to go home soon! Think “Positive” to help this along.


Oof-Immidiate-Regret t1_jdqaknn wrote

> think “positive” to help the baby get strong enough to come home soon

If a god has decided the fate of infants based on what I’m thinking, then that’s a horribly cruel god that I want nothing to do with, thanks.