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aftenbladet t1_je460ga wrote

Maybe its just about not using credit cards. Most people still need to loan money for house or cars, but using credit cards as a buffer account is not very smart. But it seems to be very common in the US.

Fine as long as you pay by end of month, expensive to be poor if not.


Matthew_C1314 t1_je4wkxj wrote

It depends. I work in finance and met a guy who took Dave Ramsey to heart, at least the biblical parts. He sold his house and car, then bought a cash car and rents a home now. Said he didn't want to be in debt to anyone, but failed to see how being a renter was much worse. I agree with you about credit cards though, they are a nice feature if you are responsible. However, most americans use it as a slush fund to cover bills they can't normally do.