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QueenOfAllTheLizards t1_je9rju3 wrote

Is there an American chapter yet?


Gimme_The_Loot t1_je9tlfu wrote

Be the change you want to see in the world.


MelancholyMushroom t1_jea290o wrote

I’d join! Where do we go to start one I wonder… It’s so hard when money is so tight and everyone demands a monthly fee. I just want to sit in a room or chat in a park without worrying how much it’ll cost me per hour.


H1ld3gunst t1_jeaf7vz wrote

Try Mastodon, make a community in your town. It’s not that popular, but fully free.


crapolantern t1_jeamzh7 wrote

My wife joined a Facebook group for making friends in our area and has had some luck, there's probably one where you are?


ojdewar t1_jediuwk wrote

Depends on where you live though. In my area it seems to be a platform to advertise tech conferences. I don’t work in that field. How do I show less of these?


QueenOfAllTheLizards t1_jea0ei5 wrote

Okay, then you open up a chapter for me :)


Gimme_The_Loot t1_jea5r57 wrote

No we're talking about the change YOU want to see in the world, not the change I want to see


cradugamer t1_jeby5qd wrote

Be the change I want you to see in the world


redditQuoteBot t1_jebywwp wrote

Hi cradugamer,

It looks like your comment closely matches the famous quote:

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

I'm a bot and this action was automatic Project source.


cradugamer t1_jebzc21 wrote

That's crazy I wonder how that came to be 😵‍💫


redditQuoteBot t1_je9u7qk wrote

Hi Gimme_The_Loot,

It looks like your comment closely matches the famous quote:

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

I'm a bot and this action was automatic Project source.


GameDestiny2 t1_je9vubv wrote

Good bot


B0tRank t1_je9vvhv wrote

Thank you, GameDestiny2, for voting on redditQuoteBot.

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[deleted] t1_jeatusj wrote

Seriously, let's open one!


QueenOfAllTheLizards t1_jeav9x8 wrote

I'm dealing with some really heavy shit right now in my personal life so I don't have any time left to plan something like this out. However if anyone lives near eastern Maryland or Delaware I'd be down to meet some of you awesome people. :)


elderly_millenial t1_jeahmya wrote

Have you checked meetup? If nothing like it exists I’m sure you can start one!

Edit: I would start it for you, but I’m a dude


dbxp t1_jeb8mek wrote

Just look on Meetup, there's tons of similar groups all over the world, has been for years