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garlicroastedpotato t1_ir3o4g5 wrote

Slovenia is an incredibly right wing country which happened to elect a Green Party in their last election... almost entirely by accident. It really does appear they're just going to try and make all of their most "extremist" policies happen all at once.


NoGoodName_ t1_ir48qfv wrote

... my dude... what??

How are we right-wing, exactly? Is it our pro-EU stance or our comprehensive social support system that are confusing you? We are the country women come to to get abortions when they are denied the medically necessary procedure in their own EU countries.

And do please explain how getting 35,8% of the votes (the next party grtting 22.5%) is "winning by accident"?


Berubara t1_ir4ep17 wrote

Glad to hear this. I was in Slovenia for a week a few years ago and everyone I met was quite conservative and I kept thinking if it was the norm or if I just happened to meet certain types of people. I even had a young tour guide go off on a big anti EU rant at me.


roger-great t1_ir4rkml wrote

Man you had to be in some really wrong circles to come to that conclusion.


DigitalZeth t1_ir51ahy wrote

It depends what parts of Slovenia you're in, but it's also worth considering that the Slovenian far-left is comically similar to American far right. A lot of them are anti-vaccine and anti-lockdowns, they are pro-russian and anti EU/NATO.

We call them tankies because their fascination with communism is more revolved around stalinism.

Regardless, I do think you were unlucky though because it's not really the norm. Unless you go out in the countryside, you're more likely to find progressive youth than far left or far right anomalies.


citytiger OP t1_ir3qzsf wrote

It’s not that right wing. They nearly won an outright majority in parliament which has never happened since independence and if current polling is any indiction they could achieve it in the next one several years from now.


w0mbatina t1_ir4d6cd wrote

Well thats a really weird take. Especially since a right wing party only won 2 out of 9 parlimentary elections in the entire history of the country.


Alepfi5599 t1_ir4jydg wrote

Basic human rights are not extremist policies.


LiquidHate777 t1_ir4pal3 wrote

Are you implying same-sex marriage is extremist? Or the greens for that matter?


DigitalZeth t1_ir51v6m wrote

Considering Slovenia is regarded as the fruity land of femboys by other balkan countries, I'd say we're not as "incredibly" right wing as people might think


bipo t1_ir4yl53 wrote

Green party got 3,41% of votes in our last elections and didn't even pass the threshold to be in the parliament.

Our government is definitely left leaning.

Did you mistake Slovenia for some other country?