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afromanspeaks t1_isdm9at wrote

How many US states have legalized child marriage still?


PrayingMantisMirage t1_isdo8c6 wrote


Acrobatic-Whereas632 t1_isdru04 wrote

So out of 50 states, only 6 make child marriage illegal. Goddamned depressing.


ChromeMaverick t1_isdu8uf wrote

This is the case in most western countries. 18 without parental consent or 16 with parental consent


Cole-Rex t1_ise2bt7 wrote

So I talked to a social worker about this, it’s child abuse where I live, so while “legal” it’s not legal.


Elitesuxor t1_ise451k wrote

According to the wiki article on the subject, 96% of child brides are 16 or 17 whilst only 4% of adult spouses are over 29. Whilst it is an issue, the majority of child marriages are between people of similar ages and don’t always reflect abuse.

Also, some child brides are used as anchors for others overseas. Families from places like India and Pakistan, where up to a fourth of their marriages involved an underage spouse at the time of wedding, used immigration loopholes to obtain visas at the expense of the child.


plexomaniac t1_iseidqq wrote

Just the fact a child can marry is bad enough to me.