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Rodereck t1_isqdmyp wrote

You know when Trump was in office he was working with the medical companies to get the vaccine released faster and liberals were all saying that they would never trust a vaccine promoted by the Trump administration then months later when the Biden administration was put into office those same hypocrites were first in line to get the very vaccines that Trump was trying to endorse lmao. Like I said I'm not Trump fan but the hypocrisy some ppl say is absolutely disgusting especially when nobody even brought him up in the first place lols. But regardless of how much u hate Trump he had nothing to do with the hundreds of lies the current administration has been telling us for the past 2 years which we now know most of it turned out to be untrue and the divide this administration has put on our country and practically started a persecution that cost millions of Americans their livelihood all so they can fatten their pockets...


[deleted] t1_isqei7u wrote



Rodereck t1_isqf3r9 wrote

Bruh I don't even know how your trying to turn it into a Trump thing from what I said. Honestly you sound pretty obsessed with your Trump hate club and I'm not here to talk about that, u can rage about it in your anti Trumo clubs but I don't want any part in that lols and the reason I didn't list all the lies out administration has told us over the years is because there's soo many but u can continue to be in denial about that too. Trump isn't the reason everything is bad in the country and I suggest u seek counseling lols...