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ralphvonwauwau t1_iszygud wrote

So, you are saying you do not have evidence to support your claim, and, BTW, your number of cases is not in agreement with any source I could find, most seem to be in the low 200s for this year. A small amount, but not "six globally".


v12go-vroom t1_iszyt4w wrote

Scroll down. I provided you some links. Both of them are US government websites.


ralphvonwauwau t1_it0026m wrote

> It was the CIA killing their own people to cover up.

nope, don't see anything about the CIA in there...


v12go-vroom t1_it00se0 wrote

So, if after you wake up from a nap and you walk outside and everything is drenched, are you going to assume your neighbor ran around everywhere with a hose and drenched everything down? Or will you come to the natural conclusion that it was raining?


v12go-vroom t1_it00vmf wrote

It’s true that you have no proof that it rained, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.


v12go-vroom t1_iszyw2h wrote

And 200 cases of polio primarily caused by the polio vaccine itself is not a reason to spend billions of dollars on” Eradicating polio”. Don’t be naïve.


ralphvonwauwau t1_it0062b wrote

> It was the CIA killing their own people to cover up. nope, still don't see anything about the CIA in there... I'm sure you have evidence, lets see it.