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sharanyaaaaa t1_iso6t6w wrote

Number is going back up tho. Plus the poverty level data isn't updated according to sky high inflation either i.e. the income bracket you should fall in to be considered poor here.

I know countless people who fell into poverty in last 2 years and it's getting very difficult for them.

But electricity, water, internet, digital finance and startup ecosystem has improved by miles. That I'll give credit.


currentscurrents t1_isplb43 wrote

>Plus the poverty level data isn't updated according to sky high inflation either i.e. the income bracket you should fall in to be considered poor here.

This isn't an income-based measure of poverty like you'd use in the US, they're measuring access to real goods like food and cooking fuel. How many calories are they eating a day, do they have access to clean drinking water, etc.

We may see an temporary increase in poverty over the next few years if there is a global recession, but the long-term trendline shouldn't change.