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sapphicsandwich t1_iss6smk wrote

The worst thing about realizing I was trans in the military was seeing people be horrific to gay people and literally beat up people for being gay while I was deployed. Particularly the Filipino workers they would bring in who would do things like hold hands (from what I could tell, not even gay, just different culture). Getting shot at by people who wanted to harm me, while being surrounded Marines who would happily do the same.


Letouristeperdu t1_istho0l wrote

Which is interesting bc gay chicken often went way to far in that branch.

Or not far enough ;)


sapphicsandwich t1_istsxnj wrote

Oh yeah, most homoerotic branch for sure. But the whole joke is based on the idea that it's "icky." If they found out you enjoy it unironically...


captain-burrito t1_isu96iu wrote

> Particularly the Filipino workers they would bring in who would do things like hold hands (from what I could tell, not even gay, just different culture).

That just makes me so sad.