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Volcic-tentacles t1_itp0wc4 wrote

No Prime Minister is ever elected. Because the UK voting system is not presidential. You vote for your local candidate and the party with the most candidates appoints their leader as PM and that PM appoints the cabinet of ministers. Prime Ministers are all appointed. And changing midterm is almost as common as not.

Take the time to properly look at your ballet in 2025. You won't see the PM's name on that ballet unless you vote in their constituency. Never has been on the ballet. Likely never will be in your lifetime.


ShadyAidyX t1_itp3vyl wrote

As you keep pointing out (and as I also mentioned)

The system is to vote for the party. Many people vote for the person, not just the party

In many places where politics is discussed in public, the discussion is often of the leaders, not the parties - “well, BoJo is a geezer, innit? Top bloke!” or “Starmer is a boring git, wouldn’t share a pint with ‘im” or “Corbyn will send us back to the 70’s” or “Blair is such a breath of fresh air” or “Cameron is such a modern leader compared to Tories of old”