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jezra t1_itv69jt wrote

It's Ok to let nazis have a meeting on campus if they are going to tell jokes. -- Penn State Administrators who need to be fired


kinnavenomer t1_itw1edx wrote

I'm Jewish. I've lived in 5 different U.S. states and married a woman whose entire family is from rural Georgia and whose parents live in Northern Florida...we visit both yearly...and yet...I've only been physically attacked once in my life for no reason other than my ethnicity and it was when I was a teenager spending a summer taking a class at Penn State and living in one of the South campus dorms near "downtown" State College.


ninjuhturdel t1_itvv6cw wrote

I think people tend to forget that Pennsylvania, while located above the mason-dixon, is effectively a southern state. The saying here is "Pittsburgh on the west, Philly on the East, and Alabama in the middle" source: native central Pennsylvanian


hackulator t1_itymswc wrote

Penn State is the place that cares more about football than the sexual abuse of children, right?


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FunDip2 t1_itxh5ts wrote

The funny part is, if you actually watch all of the video that's out there, the college students are doing every single thing they can to incite violence from just a few people. It's almost like they can't wait till they make one of them mad enough to push them etc. They wanted violence. These college kids wanted to incite someone to hit them... Actually Kerrianne signs that said I will punch a Nazi. Is it punching violence??? . I saw easily 20 or 30 kids assaulting one guy for absolutely no reason whatsoever. There's over an hour of footage. Just watch it. It's self-explanatory.


DavH27 t1_iu19zhi wrote

> absolutely no reason whatsoever


ForeignCapitalOut t1_iu36ipf wrote

This dude really took the stance of "punching Nazis is bad actually."


FunDip2 t1_iu47xx8 wrote

But it would be violence, though, right? And if that is, then stop acting like the other side was committing a bunch of violence, and the left wasn’t. It’s hypocritical as F. It’s obvious they wanted violence there. That is stupid.


ForeignCapitalOut t1_iu4884e wrote

Man really doubled down on "punching Nazis is bad though" smh. Also, I don't want to hear about hypocrisy from a right winger, the entire ideology is hypocrisy.

"I'll fantasize about shooting you for being a liberal but god forbid you say you'll punch Nazis!"


Sad-Lie6604 t1_itvflck wrote

I mean, they were correct: don't take the bait. If nonone ahowed up to protest, there'd be no content. Instead, just go see what the rally is about. If it's jokes, fine. Some people like feeding into their closed-off fantasies by joining circles and making light of harmful ideas. But it's simply that: feeding their egos. The other side that is cause for concern is if this was a rally to further both brainwashing kids into thinking local terrorism is fine, and worse is if the rally was yet another call to action. That's when I'd take issue with the event. Only problem is, if it hasn't happened yet, you have no grounds on cancelling the event. If there was a leak in the content of the event, or you have evidence of previous events doing either brainwashing or call to action, then bring the evidence up and state that as the reason for the protest, and more importantly, bring it to the school board that Penn State U's administration is not only allowing but aiding criminal activity under the guise of a comedy show. If the evidence is legit, it should speak for itself, and changes will happen. Just my take on the situation. Don't take the bait, and work with the system.


SilverNicktail t1_itvshpn wrote

The Proud Boys are a terrorist organisation. They're literally listed as a terrorist organisation in Canada. Their members have pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy.

Wind your fuckin' neck in.

"Oh, just go along to the Klan rally and see what they're saying. I bet they're not such bad dudes!"


CStink2002 t1_iu1p7r9 wrote

And this protest just gave them validation and national attention. They are both actually happy with the result. Whether the protestors are on the right moral side or not is irrelevant to the fact that the result is conflicting with their purpose. It's like someone threatens to damage your house and you burn it down before they have a chance to. Good work. Best result would have been to ignore it and let those few people have their little party in anonymity.


SilverNicktail t1_iu1z18n wrote

Pretty sure being a terrorist group with members convicted of sedition for that time they attempted to trap and execute lawmakers got them a lot more attention than being told to piss off on a University campus.


CStink2002 t1_iu5stfg wrote

And?...You realize businesses run commercials more than once for a reason, right? Do you think there may be a reason why they spend gobs of money to run a national commercial several times? Why not just run 1 if the subsequent viewings are irrelevant?

Their viewership (especially Alex Stein) and subscriptions will rise more because of this than it would have if they were just ignored. They dangled a hook and worm in front of people, and they took it.

One of the main messages they push is freedom of speech is under attack and they used the protesters as pawns to demonstrate it.


onlyfps t1_itxld6l wrote

Why are they listed that way? Why are there chapters in Japan and Africa if they are white sups? You must know them well, so please help us understand bc it seems like real "hate" is so lacking in 2022, it would go to these idiots and make them akin to the Klan, whom actually state they hate.


SilverNicktail t1_itxuzeo wrote

Did you miss the whole "seditious conspiracy" bit?

Sorry bud, the vast majority of people aren't going to fall for the copy-paste apologies and excuses. We're not stupid enough to buy them.