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Drodriguez164 t1_iu05txa wrote

A lot of people go to central or South American countries for healthcare, my wife’s family are Colombian and always go back for any surgery they want to get done.


maluminse t1_iu0twhw wrote

Isnt that crazy. '1st world' country citizens have to travel for healthcare.


Drodriguez164 t1_iu0xhfv wrote

Yup and I had to go to the hospital for 3 hours where they drugged me up and sent me home (also lost my labs) and they charge me $8000. Thank god I didn’t use an ambulance, I literally told my wife “no ambulance, let’s wait for a Uber”


maluminse t1_iu10o46 wrote

G t f o. 8k

We live in a society which totally reminds me of medieval times where the proletariat scrambled for scraps in the mud while the kings court feasted on the takings from those very same people.