CurrentQuarter8791 t1_ivmij97 wrote
Parking lots?! and why is that?!
Gandalf2000 t1_ivmkfjd wrote
Because they're giant, flat spaces, in the middle of cities/towns, with no buildings. Perfect for building these type of awning structures with solar panels overhead. The cars parked below also have the benefit of being shaded from the sun.
SirMoke t1_ivnsbm3 wrote
And charging!
mirddes t1_ivmlt5w wrote
because they're otherwise a massive waste of space
camocondomcommando t1_ivmkuli wrote
To "generate up to 11 gigawatts, which is the equivalent of 10 nuclear reactors, powering millions of homes"?!
rileyoneill t1_ivnhjzp wrote
11GW of solar at this scale would cost somewhere around $11-$16 Billion. 10 Nuclear reactors would cost $150B or more. Even with 4 hours of storage, or 50GWH, at $100 per KWH would add an extra ~$5B to the bill. If all the panels did was store power during the day and then use the power like a peaking plant in the early evening that would be useful.
magnumopus44 t1_ivmopcj wrote
*during the day when sunny. Solar does not power homes. I have solar and it's nice during the day but that's where it ends. The use case here would be to change parked EV's specially at a commercial parking lot where most cars would park during the day.
camocondomcommando t1_ivmp0wc wrote
I was just quoting the article, you know, the thing that nobody seems to read on Reddit...
And that would be an excellent use-case, as well as replacing defunct generation plants with battery storage locations.
dynex811 t1_ivmksvi wrote
Parking lots are for people to park their cars.
Far_Sided t1_ivmlvzs wrote
"But that's not important right now". Read this in a Leslie Nielson voice.
Fit-Calligrapher-117 t1_ivmsgvw wrote
Things can be used for more than one thing
dynex811 t1_ivn38ee wrote
True, when the pavement gets hot you can also use it for frying an egg. But since the fuckin libs are trying to take that away from parking lots I figured I'd keep this uplifting and leave it out.
Fit-Calligrapher-117 t1_ivn4pkl wrote
You can fry an egg on the solar panels. Things can be used for more than one thing.
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