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Sparkykun t1_iwi3da9 wrote

Independent housing means someone will put trash everywhere. Theft in communal housing is actually called sharing


Twerking4theTweakend t1_iwi6xdn wrote

Lol... Where will they put trash in a tiny home? Under themselves? I imagine if the conditions in the home get bad, they open the side, firehose everything out, and start over.


Sparkykun t1_iwivtjm wrote

Yes, their home becomes a trash dump for certain people


Twerking4theTweakend t1_iwj60ce wrote

So they're only eligible for charity if they do their chores?

I get that people don't want to see donations abused or wasted, but part donating to other adults includes treating them like adults and not micromanaging or parenting them. For charity to make sense I think we have to assume that some people are just down on their luck and some luck in the other direction could pull them out.

If we're living in a meritocracy then charity makes no sense and people just reap what they sow. (hint: we don't live in a meritocracy, but our instincts and egos try to convince us otherwise, if we are successful)


Sparkykun t1_iwjv1xg wrote

Some people who have their own little homes just never take out the garbage, so they are just throwing all their trash on the floor, and pretty soon, the house becomes a garbage dump


Sparkykun t1_iwk2sth wrote

Money is how much money you give to how many people, so it cannot be equated to living necessities like housing and food, which means that there ought to be free housing and food for everyone