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Justadropinthesea t1_iwi5vsi wrote

My dog did a similar thing years ago. We were visiting a ski resort in Colorado, thousands of miles from home, when he took off after some animal in the dead of night in below zero temperatures. He didn’t respond to our calls and we looked as much as we could in those conditions. I got a call the next morning from the ski patrol to tell me that he had walked across the mountain and turned himself in at the ski patrol headquarters and they brought him back to us on a snowmobile.


Sprinkle_Puff t1_iwib2a0 wrote

This is a worst nightmare of mine, on vacation and in the snowy winter! That must have been such an awful time for you and your family


Justadropinthesea t1_iwipb3f wrote

We had just let the dog out to do his business for a moment when he took off. We had 3 young children, all crying, and it just wasn’t safe for us to keep trying to track down this fool of a dog in the dark in the freezing cold. We thought he was gone for good. Thank god he was smart enough to see the only lights on on the wilderness and turn himself in to the ski patrol, and thank god his tags with my phone number were still on his collar. They were a little confused to see the address thousands of miles away from where they were located but it turned out to be only about 5 miles from our vacation rental. The dog seemed to be quite pleased with himself and his adventure.