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Halogen12 t1_ix8znth wrote

I have a friend who has a snow blower, and his next-door neighbor also has one. If they're both out at the same time they try to race each other to see who can clear the rest of the cul-de-sac fastest, haha! They're out there with their toys and helping people out.


SternLecture t1_ix907jm wrote

I had a neighbor with a tractor. A legit tractor with a bucket on the front. They never once offered to scrape the snow away for us in fact they piled all the snow from their house street and curb on our side of the street right in front of our house where the walkway from our porch meets the street curb. I am still bitter.


Halogen12 t1_ix91j1q wrote

It boggles my mind how people do stuff like that and sleep at night. I have a relative who has great disdain for other people - they look after themselves first and only - and I have long suspected they are sociopathic. You said "had". Did either of you move away? I hope you have better neighbors now!


SternLecture t1_ix93cac wrote

They moved away. I was so glad. Same here I am left mostly just totally baffled. They never helped anyone with the snow they spent a crazy amount of time driving this huge tractor around carefully moving snow and never once did it occur to help anyone else? I am not trying to make myself look good but even when I know other people have blowers you just take a few more minutes and do something for someone else. I think this is just what every normal person would do.


slim_scsi t1_ixao0t7 wrote

I've had this same neighbor. Even offered to toss him a hundred bucks if he'd clear the road. All that expensive machinery, a giant tractor, to only plow his long driveway.


OneMoreNightCap t1_ix9t0ja wrote

I had an older family member who was like this as well. Always thought people were trying to "cheat" them and thought everyone was out for themselves. As I got older, I realized they were the ones that stole, cheated and looked out for themselves first. All the issues they had with other people, I haven't faced and I always wonder how many of those issues were brought on to themselves or just plain old projection. Also wonder if the great depression had something to do with people like this and how their offspring learned to do things. So much scarcity during that time that people thought they just had to do what they had to do


bearatrooper t1_ixa3djs wrote

Projection is the name of the game. "If I feel this way, other people must also, therefore I shall act accordingly."


Jumbo757 t1_ix9fe1s wrote

This is a very American trait, capitalism has deisnged us to look out for ourselves only, me myself and I mentality


Deep-Map-4521 t1_ixadiul wrote



Jumbo757 t1_ixaomsi wrote

The truth is hard the older we get the more it sucks. You'll grow up one day child


wzeeto t1_ixau9s6 wrote

Sounds like you need to do some growing up.


Jumbo757 t1_ixaud73 wrote

Sounds like you took it personal, you're prob one of the ones


Rubes2525 t1_ixd9012 wrote

That's the cold, hard truth. I've realized this too as I got older. Funny how you are getting downvoted. It's not like you said that you personally have that mentality.


Jumbo757 t1_ixd93ti wrote

Yes it's probably because I used the word Americans I probably could have worded that better


OuidOuigi t1_ix9xe36 wrote

People I know with tractors are pretty cool. Pulled many idiots out of ditches with other people's tractors haha.

Probably just lucky but most people seem to enjoy getting out the 4x4 or tractor to help.


Ok_Cauliflower_3007 t1_ixbw368 wrote

I know the police near me (I’m in the town but the county is very rural) rely on farmers for rescues because they can get there faster than tow trucks usually do if something needs to be moved fast (blocking traffic, vulnerable occupants etc) they usually just hit up the nearest farm for someone with a tractor to help. I’ve seen them use them in flood rescues too since they are much higher than other vehicles and can drive through deeper water to stranded people.


Gentrified_Tramp t1_ixb379w wrote

We had a neighbor growing up and one morning after we dug out the door our neighbor was passing by the house. We asked him to dig us out and he agreed but he had to go dig the bar out first so he had somewhere to drink that night.


digitaldigdug t1_ixclbme wrote

Take out the hose and spray the length of their driveway


rummie2693 t1_ix95sfk wrote

Ya, my dad will snow blow the entire block's sidewalk in the morning. I think his neighbors hate the sound of a snowblower on their sidewalk at 4 am but love not having to shovel a little extra.


JJStray t1_ixaef5q wrote

My neighbor snowblows the epic mountain of snow the plow leaves at the end of my driveway when he does the driveway of old guy and single mom on the block…Terry you’re a true neighborhood hero lol.


thornhead t1_ixb1xub wrote

I want to live in that neighborhood. I just have a snow shovel and last winter my neighbor with a snow blower had his whole driveway and sidewalk cleared while I didn’t even have a single car path so I could get to work and he just sat on his porch drinking his coffee and watching me.


Aggressive-Bridge480 t1_ixbi75m wrote

If you lived in that neighborhood you could afford to sit around at home until the plow service you contract can get there. These guys needed an extra assist due to the need to get to the airport on time.

He might be holding a shovel for a photo op but nobody in WNY was gonna risk JA getting injured. I don't even like football and I would have said "son, step away from the shovel.".


K_Furbs t1_ixa1bkv wrote

Three homophones in five words and you used them all properly, you should get a medal


shahooster t1_ix961l8 wrote

When I was a teen, one of our neighbors was a VP for Case tractors. We got hammered with a couple big snows, and he cleared the entire block’s driveways with a front-end loader. My back thanked him profusely.


gagreel t1_ix9y07l wrote

My parents had us four kids to shovel their driveway. As soon as the last of us moved from Buffalo they bought a snowblower...


iluvmywenis t1_ix96oej wrote

Good neighbors saving the day. Well done gentlemen.


IVIAFIOSO t1_ix99l9l wrote

the only type of news story I like


[deleted] t1_ix9iooa wrote

And he won the game. Well, Matt Milano helped him out.


Booomerz t1_ix9qf21 wrote

Is there an NFL rule that prevents teams from traveling for away games a day or two early for circumstances like this?


CheapestOfSkates t1_ix9vh5i wrote

It wasn't technically an away game. It was a home game that was moved to Detroit because of the storm.


tist006 t1_ixa8tt6 wrote

Wearing no jacket or gloves while using a shovel. What kind of bs is this lol.


MracyTcGrady t1_ix9ztf8 wrote

I'm confused? Why do these millionaire players need people to help shovel their driveways? They could literally hire people to do it.


Bighorn21 t1_ixa3nus wrote

He probably has a regular service but assuming that the service is pretty backed up because of the storm.


Wickedweed t1_ixa2ke3 wrote

Of course they could, but also the neighbors are gonna jump at the chance to do something like this for their star player and they can start clearing sooner than a hired crew since they’re already on site. Also they’re using blowers mostly, so it’s not much work


Tastymonkey12 t1_ix9yqhe wrote

Lets be honest though. I love josh allen but he’s not shoveling that much snow out of his driveway from the picture lol that was a good photo op and he has some great neighbors


Nova11c t1_ixacw65 wrote

Josh Allen- $300,000 G Wagon, new Range Rover, 2003 Lexus lol awesome.


jepode t1_ixbj8a4 wrote

Did anyone else catch the name of the “other neighbor” who helped (1:03)?

I think the name Squirrel Winters was the most uplifting part of this newscast.


Chirp76 t1_ixd1th1 wrote

“Not because it was Josh Allen but because it was a neighbor in need” HA!!!!


fookthisshite t1_ixa0zau wrote

Funny how they didn’t blur out his license plate!


BossHoggs t1_ixapjph wrote

Was raking leafs when my neighbor offered up his gas powered leaf blower. Turned a 2 hour job into 30.

Thanks Dan.


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yan_broccoli t1_ixcsrdk wrote

I use to shovel walks/driveways for everyone on both sides of my street, till one snowfall another neighbor decided to jump on his quad w/plow and get to it as I started. That spring he was handed multiple irrigation repair invoices from the sprinklers he destroyed. I think everyone on my street could have handled this in a kind way. After this, my street moral was non-existent. Not even waves.....


mecaseyrn t1_ixat78p wrote

He knew the snow was coming why wasn’t he somewhere closer to the airport??


Jmkott t1_ixcfi88 wrote

Because it was a home game…until it wasn’t because of the storm.