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snarefire t1_ixd3h5b wrote

So I wanna raise a couple important points this article and assumable much of the media missed.

Removal of damns is not just about one species of fish. The restoration of the natural course of a river and the natural silt deposition of a river. Has huge and far ranging impacts for the entirety of the rivers watershed.

It often means restoration of a river Delta and wetlands at mouth of the river.

-meaning more natural flood protection

-restoration or increase of those wetland specific species

Do the math on that, and you should come up with a knock on effect even out into the ocean as prey species rise and predators species alongside them.

  • restoration of the salmon also has positive effects and not just for the indigenous peoples. A return to higher levels of salmon could mean a more diverse and healthy ecosystem as other species who both prey on and are prey to salmon increase or are better managed by predation.

There is also restoration of natural river flood silt deposition along the rivers banks. Likely meaning better and more diverse forestation along the river and of course a better environment along it.

While I am not a climate scientist, and don't understand the mechanics. An argument could also be made that restoration of natural flows where possible. Might have an impact on drought conditions and weather systems of the area. Though it is possible that the opposite is true, as the natural climate reassert its self.


fairlyoblivious t1_ixem696 wrote

While all of this may be varying degrees of true, it's almost certain that the main MAJOR reason for this is that Chinook Salmon that spawns at the Klamath is endangered and the next step beyond that is "Critically endangered" which is often impossible to come back from. This being the largest and most valuable fish for consumption on the west coast and perhaps for much of America, and it's pretty clear much of this decision is to prevent the loss of a billion dollar industry..

It's not JUST about that one fish, but it IS ALMOST ENTIRELY about that one fish and the knockdown effects if it goes bye bye, which it may any way - Their main food source is invertebrate and the increasing acidification of the ocean by the increased co2 absorption is making "Exoskeletons" unable to form as easily, soon they will not form at all, boom collapse from the bottom up.


snarefire t1_ixemmss wrote

Thank you for articulating the finer points of this.


Neirchill t1_ixdhwkf wrote

I'm curious on what will happen to the current environment created by the dam