Submitted by Oh-God-Its-Kale t3_z1k9ma in UpliftingNews

"These kids want to live that way, want to have a good time, have at it," he said as he described the night. "I'm happy about it because that is what I fought for, so they can do whatever they hell they want."

I can't even describe what a genuine hero of a person mr. Fierro is, yet alone the insanely heroic act he selflessly did. What a bosd.



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therealsunshinem81 t1_ixc82my wrote

‘Look, I’ve gone through this before, and down range, when this happens, you just get out on the next patrol. You need to get it out of your mind.’ That is how you cured it. You cured it by doing more. Eventually you get home safe. But here I worry there is no next patrol. It is harder to cure. You are already home.”


Content_Bandicoot_70 t1_ixcr073 wrote

Fierro will go in the books as a hero in the LGBTQ. As a gay man, it’s a bit of light in the dark knowing there are people like him willing to put their lives before others, especially for the marginalized community.

This was such a good read.


ReflectionEterna t1_ixdetuw wrote

Agreed. Dude fought for the freedom of his fellow Americans. He meant ALL of them. Glad to see it.


Eilanzer t1_ixdspob wrote

I fear for the guy tough, he had massive ptsd because of war and after this...Hope it´s all fine with him and his family.


BlackScimitar t1_ixecqke wrote

Thankfully I never suffered from PTSD but some weird part of me thinks this was somewhat cathartic for him. His actions meant something, directly and with violence of action that had a clear goal, stopping the madness that had ensued. No one should be put in that position but I for one am glad he was there and his actions prevented a greater tragedy.

Edit “I”


Eilanzer t1_ixepck2 wrote

“ The wars were both past and still present. There were things he would never forget. For a long time after coming home, crowds put him on edge. He couldn’t help to be vigilant. In restaurants he sat against the wall, facing the door. No matter how much he tried to relax, part of him was always ready for an attack, like an itch that could not be scratched.”

His words, i hope he´s ok and some part of him can turn over this. He was just having fun with his family and to have his worst fears turn into reality is something that i can´t even think about!


Stormofscript t1_ixeg3oo wrote

His family is mostly okay, but his daughters long-time boyfriend unfortunately died in the attack. :/


freerangetacos t1_ixey3iy wrote

And he's really hurting about it. The interview with John Berman on AC360 was heart-wrenching. It's such a tragedy on all levels. I feel sad for the country, not dealing with its issues proactively and like an extended family, which is what we are.


blah191 t1_ixdsyng wrote

Here here! Last night I watched a short interview with him and he just seemed so sincere, yet exasperated by the state of this country. As far as I’m concerned he’s an amazing individual and a real hero. Some jerk in the comments on YouTube said, “ Finally something positive on the news.” They were referring to the shooting though, not him. I commented saying, among other things, that he needed help and he said my comment was “assuming things” and that it had been “ratio’d and tossed among the sand dunes.” Idk wtf that’s supposed to mean, but I’m tired and done with this shit. Fucking Marjorie Taylor Greene, a blight on my state, tryna bitch about an assault rifle ban, man fuck her. If I ever saw her in person, I just don’t know… Any who sorry for rambling lol but I agree with ya man!!!


BaileyIsMyBeagle t1_ixdesng wrote

He owns a brewery. They sell merch. Buy the shit out of it.


Fishy1911 t1_ixdvxai wrote

His wife owns the brewery. Just a great family, all the way around. I stopped in months ago, good to see them getting the reddit hug.


icer07 t1_ixdy0ee wrote

Got me a t shirt!


medusasfury71 t1_ixe5szt wrote

I’m getting them leggings 😍


icer07 t1_ixe63wj wrote

Lol I'm stupid and thought they only had the one t shirt linked. Oh well, ima sport it anyway


T0WERM0NKEY t1_ixbygmz wrote

>“These kids want to live that way, want to have a good time, have at it,” he said as he described the night. “I’m happy about it because that is what I fought for, so they can do whatever they hell they want.”


maude313 t1_ixbkxn6 wrote

He has been a light in this dark tragedy.


italjersguy t1_ixdagzy wrote

Any person with a platform (Congress, senate, tv show, radio) that stokes the flames of hate and fear has blood on their hands today.

Fuck those people.


Its_Helios t1_ixcczpn wrote

This is my biggest complaint, this guy should have much more exposure not that piece of shit that killed those people.


Kodama_prime t1_ixdmkro wrote

I don't know the name of the POS that did this, but I do know this guy's name. Fierro gets the whole point of "Doing what needs to be DONE". Much respect!


farmerboy301 t1_ixdgvbj wrote

He's literally the most talked about person in the country for the second day in a row, his name is trending in the top 5 topics on multiple social media and news sites. I can personally only recall one news article that named the shooter and I promptly forgot it. I'm not sure what you're watching but I think that at least this time you are absolutely wrong and the hero is outshining the trash. It is worth noting that he's not the only person that became a hero here but he is the only cisgender straight man and that's likely a huge part of why the media is lauding him so graciously while ignoring the trans woman who most people have only heard of as the "drag queen" who stomped on the trash with her high heels.


DippityDu t1_ixdwg3s wrote

I thought she elected anonymity?


farmerboy301 t1_ixdxz9l wrote

I hadn't heard that but it makes absolute sense, it's a sad fact that any kind of fame could be dangerous for her.


thecartoonrobot t1_ixdqp6d wrote

That is exactly what is happening, right here, right now. I have no idea what the shooters name is, but I have seen this guy all over the place.


NavidsonRcrd t1_ixbnvmy wrote

An absolute hero. It’s tough not to be gutted by the fact that following his incredible bravery the cops’ first move is to lock him in a squad car away from the family that he’d just risked his life to protect, not even knowing if they’re alive. Can’t even grasp how that must have felt. I hope their community is able to come together and heal together after this unimaginable tragedy


CraftyRole4567 t1_ixdnl58 wrote

He is a hero! And it’s heartbreaking that this happened at all. But… if the cops hadn’t done that (temporarily arrested him) and it turned out that he was also a shooter, we would be condemning them for that too. He’s covered in blood, he’s holding a handgun, he’s screaming – if the cops had reacted badly that could’ve ended so much more terribly than just him being put in the squad car while the cops try to figure out what’s happening and who everybody is.


digitdaemon t1_ixdzzqf wrote

Also, you have someone who is in emergency mode that is disconnected from your emergency response and acting on instinct. Restraining him and letting him cool off is not an insane move just to expedite and clear the way for a more organized response. Are there other ways of doing that? Yes, but lets be honest, thank god he didn't get shot.

(Not a commentary on police in this case, though I have my own feelings on the matter of police brutality. But it would have been so easy for the police responding, entering with no information, to see him running around with a gun in hand, assume he was the bad guy, and just shoot.)


re_nonsequiturs t1_ixd3r18 wrote

I hope that having a veteran there will help people know to get help faster. And maybe avert some developing PTSD.


Ituzzip t1_ixdr9pf wrote

When I heard someone had disarmed the gunman with their bare hands and knocked him out, I have to admit I was looking forward to finding out it was a butch lesbian or a drag queen and being able to point to the tenacity of our community.

Turns out it was a married straight man there with his family. But I’ll take that anyway. LGBTQIAA includes straight allies, and we’ve been consciously including straight allies in our community for decades for a reason. LGBTQ spaces are meant to be inclusive. Even when people make fun of us for having such a long acronym (and we make fun of ourselves for it too), we still do it for a reason.

LGBTQ+ is a community based on many different kinds of experiences. It’s not just the gay community. It’s not just the trans community. It isn’t defined by having only one kind of experience. It’s defined by people with many experiences, with a similar goal of allowing people to be who they are and being there for each other in that. When somebody puts themselves on the line and stands up for us the same way we’d aspire to stand up for ourselves, they are truly part of our community.


DippityDu t1_ixdwvk7 wrote

Ha, my daughter is openly queer in middle school. She and her friends just say "alphabet" now. And what's funny, the first time I heard her say "alphabet people" or "my alphabet fam" I immediately knew what that meant.


Ituzzip t1_ixdyixu wrote

Yeah, a lot of people mock LGBT activists for adding letters without seeming to realize that it’s harmless, and we make fun of it too.

LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIAA+ etc are all sort of interchangeable. There are also about a thousand different pride flags. People keep adding new Pride flags every year. It’s all about self-expression, and not taking things too seriously. If you are not causing harm, violating consent, or excluding someone (which to be fair can be complicated topics), we’re a community that frowns on saying people shouldn’t do what makes them happy.


utegardloki t1_ixkkmnt wrote

Heh, when I was an "alphabet youth", I briefly made a playful push to rebrand the community as BLT, because (so my reasoning went) you can probably throw a rock and find someone who hates a collection of letters, but you'll be hard pressed to find someone willing to say they "hate BLTs"...


MFDork t1_ixdzgdw wrote

I’m very proud of what this man did, but Allies are not part of the LGBTQ community. That’s why they’re called “allies”. It’s ok for us to have our own spaces.


litespeed68 t1_ixd964s wrote

There are a ton of amazing quotes from this man. I am incredibly moved by his actions and words. I hope he can deal with all the attention he is going to get. He deserves to be OK and live the rest in peace. I think we overuse the word “hero” but this bad ass is a hero!


whoop_dedo t1_ixbvnen wrote

What an amazing person.


Pedrohaus t1_ixcwl3m wrote

I love this guy a real life Hero, amazing...


Lydkraft t1_ixe1j6u wrote

This dude "gets" America.


babydavissaves t1_ixe7zcf wrote

He also spoke to the fact he thought he was done with war zone violence. Republicans make sure we'll see it again, probably in another school.


babydavissaves t1_ixh9nwj wrote

I was wrong...a couple hours after my comment it was a Walmart in Virginia. Thanks Republicans for b*tching about crime and violence, while letting guns run rampant in our Country. We see you, Hypocrites.


utegardloki t1_ixklctj wrote

I'm with you about the guns, but as I was raised in Montana and have been surrounded by Conservatives my entire life, I can promise you gun control is not coming anytime soon.

Instead, I propose we go the Black Panther route: every LGBT person learns to be proficient with at least one firearm, and we all strap up. For fucking everything. Make sure every potential shooter recognizes that they are SURROUNDED by potential threats, until Conservatives no longer feel safe protesting anything. Until COPS start treating us with all the respect they treat a school shooter in Uvalde.

I want to see my people ready for a fucking war. Because you know that's what they want.


SamdanCom t1_ixenak6 wrote

So grateful he was not shot by the police that could’ve happened so incredibly easily


Grattytood t1_ixducxm wrote

Holy gods, reading that article was like being right there before, during, and after. Major Fierro is better than Batman mixed with a Rabbi.


onairmastering t1_ixe7b8g wrote

ATREVIDA BEEER!!!!!! Dude I'm gonna get so much beer when I go there. They need to get the merch game up, tho.


StefaniStar t1_ixesaqj wrote

It's important to correct the article on one point. The person referred to as a drag queen was actually a trans woman. Understandably in the chaos he made a miss identification and the newspaper should make a correction.


freerangetacos t1_ixeylzi wrote

Thanks for clarifying. Saying someone is a drag queen implies performer. A trans person is living their life. It's an understandable mistake, given the venue and circumstances, but a mistake nonetheless.


Gilgamesh72 t1_ixesxsd wrote

Was that a joke or a typo


StefaniStar t1_ixevvvo wrote

Which part? To clarify when I say "he" I'm referring to Richard who I believe was the person to refer to her as a Drag Queen and that has then been passed on.


Gilgamesh72 t1_ixnxkjv wrote

The miss part lol


StefaniStar t1_ixo8uor wrote

Ohhh! Doh unintentional pun. I'm dyspraxic so spelling isn't my strong suite lol.


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