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MikeGolfsPoorly t1_ixi3fqz wrote

Which is why the only people drafted to be hockey goalies are sumo wrestlers. They're larger and stronger than most people, so even though they are worse students of the game, they obviously have no physical comparison, and it's impossible for anyone else to compete.


merlin401 t1_ixuirut wrote

I mean this is such a stupid comment. Obviously, as you know, hockey goalies need massive amounts of agility and quickness that a sumo wrestler would not have, which is why teams aren’t stupid and this doesn’t happen. Similarly teams aren’t stupid and it’s why men are virtually exclusively drafted into mens sports even though anyone is free to be drafted


MikeGolfsPoorly t1_ixwbdye wrote

> A smaller woman (or man for that matter) can be incredibly skilled and tactically sound but the physical limitation just makes it impossible to compete with a larger stronger faster human, even if that person is a worse student of the game