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pigoath t1_iy946mc wrote

>actively racist and historically have marginalized them..

How the heck are we racists if we are black and they're black too?

If they're so marginalized why they keep crossing to our side to live, work and have their children educated in our schools?

Stop spreading anti-dominican propaganda.


Ebmat t1_iy9m62d wrote

Easy to point the finger from the outside browsing from your iPhone.


pigoath t1_iy9rwmd wrote

Have an Android 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ebmat t1_iy9w58t wrote

Ok at some point. We are all benefiting from some abusive type of labor. Bet you most people feeling outrage by this are using an iPhone.


pigoath t1_iy9wdns wrote

>We are all benefiting from some abusive type of labor.

That's true.

>Bet you most people feeling outrage by this are using an iPhone.

Possibly true. Like the people who say Down to capitalism on twitter with the Twitter for iPhone tag in the bottom.