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samanime t1_iya3bwq wrote

Slavery =/= involuntary servitude and slavery =/= forced labor (though slavery can involved forced labor)

All forced labor is not slavery. Community service is involuntary servitude, repaying a debt to society for a crime.

They are different. I'm not the one confused.

And even if the US Constitution said otherwise, that wouldn't alter the plain language understanding of the terms for the whole world. The US =/= the world.


chrisp909 t1_iyab25r wrote

>Community service is involuntary servitude, repaying a debt to society for a crime.

Under your definition, just being in prison is involuntary servitude. I don't think that's an accurate definition to a lot of people.


>And even if the US Constitution said otherwise, that wouldn't alter the plain language understanding of the terms for the whole world. The US =/= the world.

Your colloquial definitions may be correct to you or even in some countries / regions but language and colloquial definitions are not apples for apples all over the world.

You != the world.