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malkavich t1_iyvsstm wrote

Yeah I don't believe it for a second.


manowtf t1_iywg4aw wrote

They still believe in the Islamic code so it's not as if they are saying the dress code is wrong, just that they need to apply it differently.


Katiari t1_iyx6ju9 wrote

They use it like a light switch, flick it off to get rid of protests, flick it back on afterward.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_iyvu0nf wrote

Are they though?

Oh hey, there's no morality police! Oh by the way, here's a new.... Uh.... Decency police!


Strict-Square456 t1_iyvxtpb wrote

The dream police is next. Cheap trick has entered the chat.


EchoTango77 t1_iyxc90k wrote

Karma police after that, for the Radiohead fans


Xavier9756 t1_iyxgdlj wrote

Dokken coming in hot with dream warriors as the protester's anthem.


Strict-Square456 t1_izce34v wrote

I think dokken had one called “ in my dreams” as well.
Thx for reminding me of these guys.


fido4lilchops t1_iyvvx5h wrote

Soon to be reorganized under the totally new name “Definitely not the Morality Police”.


Haikouden t1_iyvxiax wrote

"morality police? no no no, we're the modesty enforcement police, totally different"


KennyDROmega t1_iyvt59p wrote

Feels very much like a "if I say I screwed up, can we end this conversation?" move.


Steiny31 t1_iyw4cj6 wrote

Honestly, I agree that this is just an attempt to make all the pressure go away and they will still likely keep the status quo, but the fact that they couldn’t stamp out the dissent with force and were moved to at least appear to make reforms is still a victory.

I can’t imagine how hard it is to stand up to such monsters when they have so much power and zealotry, knowing you could be killed, or your family’s house destroyed. Lots of respect for them, if civilians in all nations had that courage of conviction, the world would be a better place.


lewger t1_iyz4ilp wrote

Ultimately the religious police mean nothing if the system and the culture still allows thugs to murder people because of perceived breaking of religious rules. The religious police are simply a product of the system and the system needs to go down first.


[deleted] t1_iyza6vd wrote

> the system and the culture

Iran is made up of different groups and cultures that has been forced throughout history by the Persians to live in one country in which the Persians are in power with iron-clad rules. Many of Iranians, especially the near Iraq and Turkey border view women very different from some other parts of the country. This regime's rule is even foreign to majority of the country when you think of the country's long history. Majority of those who protested in 1979 wouldn't have done so in retrospect, knowing about what's happening now.


UB613 t1_iyw4jfb wrote

Don’t believe it. The Mullahs would never give up power over women.


ConsumeTheOnePercent t1_iywqojw wrote

This isn't true, Iranian women have come forward saying that it's false.


jyzenbok t1_iywt2ts wrote

Press x to doubt


Konorlc t1_iyw1ip0 wrote

This isn’t true at all.


FleeRancer t1_iyx2tof wrote

The absence of morality police isn't going to prevent people from shaming and killing women. They need a cultural revolution or a law to gives women rights and punishes those who try to take them away


Scryer_of_knowledge t1_iywkne1 wrote

This has to be watched carefully. It could just be a shapeshift.


JaymeMalice t1_iyxh3gs wrote

Toddlers can make up more convincing lies. I don't believe this for a second.


Doodle_Brush t1_iywiwr7 wrote

I'd bet money it'll be more of a re-branding (and a paper thin one at that) rather than an outright shutdown.


Marston_vc t1_iyvtygo wrote

Well I mean, it’s one of those things you either see change very obviously or….. protests continue?

Idk how information flows over there though. If people hear this is happening would they believe it? And would they know if it was a lie?


dnbest91 t1_iyx2bhe wrote

This isn't true.


CodeOfKonami t1_iyvzwzg wrote

I’m sure, totally sure, that this isn’t propaganda.


LaughableIKR t1_iywq0rm wrote

Good? Devil in the details maybe?


ThePhoenixRoyal t1_iyx4fta wrote

many iranians said already not to be easily drugged with pseudo positive headlines


1_g0round t1_iyx7scd wrote

there is no way they will give up on repressive control they will be rebranded .....


Annahsbananas t1_iyx8g9f wrote

They're still kidnapping girls and raping them to this very day.

They're never going to shut down morality police. They've just going incognito


draco55555 t1_iyxb79f wrote

Bull shit this changes nothing


ujaku t1_iyxczy3 wrote



UzumakiYoku t1_iyxekjk wrote

Now they’re just called “the police”.


Root125 t1_iyxhze2 wrote

Iranian here, It’s fake and propaganda, it’s not officially do anything and everything is same as before.

They try to fills media before united nation investigation team arrive in Iran.


AutoModerator t1_iyvs16j wrote

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cocktailbun t1_iyxdvwi wrote

No they wont. Either they’ve been rebranded or went underground.


H0vis t1_iyxh9pq wrote

We'll see, said the Zen Master.


I don't trust the regime, but I don't trust what we're told about the regime either. That recent story about the fifteen thousand executions for example was fabricated.

It's possible change can happen. Change has happened in Iran before. A government spawned from revolution, that had to ride out the Arab Spring, is probably going to respond to protests or it's going to fall.


RefanRes t1_iyxlq6s wrote

It's only uplifting if you're gullible. Saying isn't doing. What they arent doing is addressing the human rights record and changing their laws.


kinkilladota t1_iyyrs74 wrote

At this stage this is not enough, it's just to placate while they consolidate power again. The regime must change.


D0GAMA1 t1_iyytsit wrote

There is no Morality Police because they are using them to kill and arrest protesters for now.


Kapowpow t1_iyytuic wrote

This means that the regime is genuinely scared and the protesters should go much further


mroboto2016 t1_iyyxnfh wrote

I once saw a picture of young women in Iran, who appeared to be in a modern setting, that looked like it could have been taken at an American college.

They were dressed in short skirts and stylish tops, etc. And happy.

This was from the 70s, and very much different from today.

It's amazing how quickly things can be set backward.


Prowler1111 t1_iyz07du wrote

Welcome the all new "Decency Corps"!


Opening_List2562 t1_iyzgih4 wrote

This is regime's propaganda to ease the international pressure, General Attorney has nothing to do with the laws, Parliament does, and as it shows mandatory hijab is on its place, recently they've banned a complete commercial complex and a bank because they had not hijabi staff or gave service to people without hijab


DiamondGlum556 t1_iyzgljp wrote

That’s not uplifting that’s a ploy what needs to happen is all the ayatollahs and revolutionary guard are removed


zoidbergenious t1_iz019ib wrote

this is not uplifting news becasue its just false :the islamic republic dont change shit. as we speak the slaughtering beating and surpression is going on,What iranians understand for many years now, the rest of the world should finally understand : The mullah regime is lying as it benefits them, they see that this "morality police" is a bad image now so they shut it down officially becasue they know the ignorant foreign Public media is eating this crap... it also came at a time where countrywide demonstrations were announced.

and ppl like op who are spreading this bullshit are part of the problem


Moggio25 t1_iz037wd wrote

Even if they did, it’s not what the protestors are calling for. They are calling for the total removal of the ayatollah and the jurist leader concept.


God_eater95xx t1_iz0b8dv wrote

propaganda it's a lie and this is not what we want we want islam out of iran we want the execution of all of them جمهوری اسلامی خوب خارجیا رو اسکل کرده


redditaccount71987 t1_iyw2em0 wrote

I ran into the American and shared intelligence version who were massively wrong, refuse to take no for an answer keep trying to author themselves expenptions and continue to get pissed while being wrong the entire time.
