
RefanRes t1_jby13cf wrote

He didnt compare the atrocities of WW2 to the immigration bill. He mentioned the 1930s which was before the war began. He compared the language of the bill with that language that was used by the fascists in that time in order to start Germany toward their darkest path. The fact is that the Conservatives have been using the same mass manipulation tactics that helped Hitler climb to power. It doesn't mean that he thinks the Conservatives are as bad as Hitler but we should be concerned that they could manipulate their way into authoritarianism rather than democracy.

There are important lessons to learn from what happened in the 1930s in order to make sure that no country ever finds themselves even stepping close to that path. It didn't start with the Holocaust. It started with manipulative language, awful policies, gaslighting and villainising those who spoke against the Nazi party. This is exactly what the Tories have done since they came into power.


RefanRes t1_j8dqe1h wrote

It seems that in 2010 FX actually did commission the Reno 911 team to make a Star Trek parody show called Alabama based on a ship called the USS Alabama. They made a pilot that was unaired but people said they couldnt believe it wasn't picked up. Then Nerdist had it up on their site for a while but its not there anymore.