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AuDBallBag t1_izf45z6 wrote

Yes an OTC aid will not help you but you may need to see a neuro-otologist because if you have normal hearing thresholds but distorted speech recognition and tinnitus you may have anything from Central auditory processing disorder, to cerebrovascular inflammation, to a benign tumor on the acoustic nerve. I wouldn't stop at the test - I'd get an MRI. If that's clear, I'd ask for auditory processing disorder screening.


Aightball t1_izg47fk wrote

I've had it suggested by an ENT (who showed that vertigo was actually treatable and manageable!) that I might also have a birth defect in the inner ears. Apparently, it's 'not normal' for 2-year-olds to report tinnitus and vertigo. The story my mother often told me was that, when I could form sentences, I complained that the room went around and my ears made noise. We got the vertigo taken care of serveral years ago, but the tinnitus never went away. At the time (and now) I couldn't afford further testing, but it's something to consider looking into.