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Brangur t1_izqcxv8 wrote

Former CO resident here, yeah. Most of the physical state is libertarian and/or conservative, but most of the people live in the Denver metro area.


1Sluggo t1_izqjx12 wrote

I’ll confess I’ve only been to Denver a couple of times for work. Stayed downtown and it was fun.


Brangur t1_izql1oh wrote

I love Colorado, don't get me wrong. But Denver is to Colorado as Atlanta is to Georgia.

Edit: typo


karma_the_sequel t1_izqn3db wrote

I'm not even sure what that means... and I'm originally from Denver and my sister's family has lived in Atlanta for 25 years.

Denver's no Boulder, but it's no Colorado Springs, either.


Brangur t1_izr3u0b wrote

Basically, Denver metro area and Ft. Collins are highly progressive compared to most of the state


1Sluggo t1_izqxm0y wrote

Most major cities are more liberal, while the more rural areas are conservative. I live in Ohio, our cities favor democrats while the rural areas are definitely republican.