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LordDongler t1_j0r70z3 wrote

My dog would just run around me in huge circles if I ever got lost in the woods


Echospite t1_j0sbrt7 wrote

My dog wouldn’t let anything happen to me but she wouldn’t let my rescuers go near me either!


quinteroreyes t1_j0sw0w7 wrote

My dog would abandon me, she's a husky so I'd give her 10 minutes before fucking off


sleeper_54 t1_j0t6wqh wrote

...and spend her time baying at and chasing every animal she might imagine in the forest floor leaf litter.


saihuang t1_j0rg8fs wrote

Ok cool


StonerSpunge t1_j0ryywi wrote

Why are you here lol


clamroll t1_j0sbb9x wrote

Check their comment history. What else are they supposed to do while waiting for billygoats to cross the bridge overhead?