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oldar4 t1_j0x3kr1 wrote

Who compared woke to destroying democracy? Are these more DeSantis talking points you're strawmanning? Its so easy to defeat an enemy that you set up qnd doesn't actually exist.

And you say fascism is bad as if the totalitarianism sold and repackaged by liberals isn't equally worse. People who controls your thoughts and speech are not much better than those who tell you not to do things. They're doing the same thing but in a more insidious manner so you can't even debate the points or else you get called sexist, racist , transphobe or whatever


SenatorBeatdown t1_j0zguu9 wrote

It's not a straw man, Google the quote. DeSantis lawyers literally said that was the definition of woke.

Why are you so triggered by facts?


oldar4 t1_j10qg1p wrote

You're the one whl.brought up DeSantis and his definition. Its your strawman. I didn't bring up him at all nor agree to that definition


SenatorBeatdown t1_j11itet wrote

I don't think you know what a straw man is. A straw man is when you deliberately make bad arguments that you say the opponent is making.

A straw man is NOT quoting something someone directly said. A lawyer representing DeSaintis in a court of law. Google it, I double dog dare you.

So when you say woke, you need to clarify what you mean. Do you mean mildly annoying internet wokescolds? Or do you mean that “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” is just as bad as attempting a Fascist coup against the U.S. government and trying to end Democracy?


oldar4 t1_j11ys36 wrote

You brought up all the DeSantis stuff. I said the word woke and you brought up DeSantis and his definition. Literally a strawman