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cal_sta t1_j16f9al wrote

Title is a bit misleading, the algorithm "predicts traumatic intracranial hypertension", i.e predicts if the pressure in the skull is going to increase to dangerous levels, which is caused by bleeding/swelling. We know your brains bleeding we just wanna know if it's gonna kill you.


waxess t1_j16g9r0 wrote

Yes but we track intracranial pressures already, if its within normal limits, we continue to monitor, if it increases, we manage it with medical treatment and consider repeat scanning to assess if there is a bleed.

If the algorithm predicts a bleed, but ICP remains normal, we won't rescan a patient.

If it predicts a bleed and ICP increases, we will rescan the patient, but that's essentially what we would do anyway. This seems like a costly and unhelpful intervention, as I can't see how it would change our current practice. Obviously I stand to be corrected, but this seems a somewhat redundant discovery at first sight.