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Swampberry t1_j1cw0fy wrote

If only they had stood in support of the government which protected women!


Jarsky2 t1_j1djwed wrote

Making a big assumption there

EDIT: FFS people I'm saying that they're assuming that these guys didn't support the previous government when it's a pretty easy conjecture that they did.


Swampberry t1_j1dk1xr wrote

It was undoubtedly pro-women relative to what people knew the Taliban stood for.


Jarsky2 t1_j1dkxl9 wrote

I meant you're making a big assumption that these guys didn't support the previous government. Not getting yourself shot by psychos doesn't indicate a lack of hatred for said paychos.


EVOSexyBeast t1_j1du8ms wrote

They didn’t and still are not putting up much of a fight.

edit: /u/Jarsky2, that was replying appears to have been banned from the entirety of reddit or something.

edit2: Actually they just blocked me.


Jarsky2 t1_j1duepj wrote

Not getting yourself shot to death by psychopaths doesn't mean you don't hate those psychpaths.


EVOSexyBeast t1_j1dv5r7 wrote

It means you don’t care enough to fight for the women in your life.

I would fight.


Jarsky2 t1_j1dvdn0 wrote

And you'd very likely either die or be imprisoned and tortured, leaving them to suffer without you.

There are a lot of factors at play here and the size of your dick isn't one of them, and it's very easy for you or me to say what we'd do nice and comfy an ocean away.


EVOSexyBeast t1_j1dvt61 wrote

You act like the Taliban was some massive unstoppable force. They were outgunned and outnumbered by the Afghan army 2:1. There was just simply no will to fight because the war was against women, not men.


Jarsky2 t1_j1dxp5w wrote

What does that have to do with these civilians?


StillAll t1_j1e6gyu wrote

That they should have fought for their future, instead of rolling over in less than a week. And yeah, if this is supposed to be some great tragedy than it would require more people to be effected than there is in this photo.

And frankly, the number of people that are in this photo are probably more than the number that tried to stop the Taliban. So no, my sympathy doesn't go to far in this, but it does go out in droves to those that fight oppression, not just roll over.


Absolute_Crap_Comics t1_j1eubi4 wrote

>/u/Jarsky2, the neo-nazi

Gonna need to see your evidence of this claim before I'll believe it for a second. Neo-Nazis exist, sure, but too often it's used to mean "someone I disagree with."


FarmhouseFan t1_j1dp8a5 wrote

Are they?


Jarsky2 t1_j1dpndn wrote

Yes? They're assuming these guys didn't support the previous government.