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MesqTex t1_j1jqz46 wrote

Trail of Tears was an asshole move on our part. So many other things we’ve done as well. The systematic racism towards the indigenous population in the US is on a level as bad as the Jim Crow era and beyond for the BIPOC communities.

The indigenous communities won’t see the respect and support they deserve until we rid the racist cultures in our government, starting with the GQP and Far Right factions of our society.


sadpaperclip t1_j1jtogn wrote

>on our part

Damn bro how old are you


MesqTex t1_j1ju6hc wrote

Age is just a number. But to recognize and grow up from the asshole I was just a few years ago, it’s time I make amends for the mistakes of my forefathers. The so-called “Great Awakening” for me wasn’t through QAnon, but through the realization that I’d been a pain in the butt.

I’m trying to be better.


Papplenoose t1_j1k2f5k wrote

That's pretty cool! Anyone who is capable of admitting that is pretty dang cool in me book. That's not easy :)

Also I can't stop laughing at your comment; I've never heard someone use "age is just a number" in a positive, non creepy way before lol


amreinj t1_j1kj5vj wrote

My grandmother was beaten for speaking our language and sent to boarding schools. Reparations are owed.