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4inaroom t1_j1kjyo1 wrote

Im a native American.

As in - I was born in America. Not somewhere else:

Why tf do people born in America today not get the same treatment as people born in America today?

And why tf would I be happy about being treated differently when it is quite literally people like ME who pay taxes and they don’t?!

And just so we’re clear - I think ALL tax paying citizens in the US should be given the same treatment - regardless of race, religion, or where their grandparents are from.


ThellraAK t1_j1l818b wrote

You don't think AN/NI pay taxes?

Also the why of it is because of treaty obligations.

I'm unaware of any tribes who would be opposed to winding things back to the way things were, kindly head back to land you didn't treat for.

The Sioux are going to be super excited to get the Black Hills back.

I'd like the Tongass National Forrest to be back in Tlingit Haida and Tsimshian hands too.


4inaroom t1_j1nad55 wrote

I wouldn’t.

Thinking native Americans deserve anything special is stupid.


ThellraAK t1_j1oeu3f wrote

You don't think the federal government should honor treaties they signed?


4inaroom t1_j1oh63s wrote

I don’t think Native Americans should be given anything any other citizen isn’t offered.

If you’re bringing up old agreements/promises made between groups generations ago as the argument for why things should be done that opens you up to a whirlwind of pain for people who know how to actually debate.


ThellraAK t1_j1oi1vn wrote

ANCSA was signed into law in 1971.

You can't even wait for those who were alive for it to die out?

Full faith and credit indeed.


4inaroom t1_j1riwbf wrote

Nobody knows about ANCSA like it’s common knowledge - but nice job googling and casually referencing it - and it’s signed in date - as if it is.

The point however is that Indian tribe descendants shouldn’t get special treatment as special class US citizens because they arent special.


ThellraAK t1_j1sp4np wrote

I'm Tlingit, and I know about it because it directly affects my family.

Specifically them being shitty about the allotments, which is really on brand for US/Indian relations.


4inaroom t1_j1sq0hk wrote

So what?

Do you not see that most people in the United States come from nothing, into an underprivileged or disadvantaged position, which is politically and socioeconomically rigged against them - that most people’s families are affected adversely by the wealthy classes influence of the proletariat?

What makes you worse than any other bourgeoisie elitist to think you deserve special treatment for no other reason than your bloodline?


ThellraAK t1_j1srjc9 wrote

Yeah, I'm not going to get into that sort of thing with someone who's coming off of a glib twat on reddit.

If you are genuinely curious about the answer to your question, research how much it sucks to be an Indian in the US. Once you've learned about the socioeconomic factors at play, learn about generational trauma.

Bonus points if you can figure out why there are less than 500 speakers of my native tongue left, and when that behavior stopped.

Check out the last 50 years of politics in the US, you tearing down someone else isn't going to cause them to suddenly build you up.

If you want universal healthcare, vote or move to Washington state, or nearly any other country that's "western"


4inaroom t1_j1srxow wrote

Uh huh - so your argument is:

“My plight is worse than yours though”..

You are either a US citizen and believe we should strive to all to be treated under an equal set of rules or you’re an asshole, imo.