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04221970 t1_j1q7laf wrote

Have to always keep in mind that hydrogen is an energy storage system; not an energy source. It functions as a battery. If a hydrogen fuel cell is better in some respect than other battery types than we can improve our lot.

It, however, always requires energy from somewhere else to create the hydrogen for the fuel. That original energy could be solar or wind or anything else.


jakebliss86 t1_j1tjtmc wrote

Hydrogen can be used in combustion engines, it doesn't require a fuel cell to power vehicles. Which is why it's very suitable for powering large commercial vehicles, like airplanes or cargo ships. Something no battery can do.


04221970 t1_j1u7vrb wrote

Yes, I agree. Hydrogen can be used in combustion engines, but practically it is not, Its much less efficient. I disagree that burning hydrogen is 'suitable' for powering large vehicles because of its lack of energy content per mass. Any research are hydrogen powered aircraft are using it to generate electricity, not to burn it directly. The bigger problem there is storing enough hydrogen under pressure to make a practical difference.

Even if I'm wrong, and burning hydrogen becomes more practical in applications rather than in fuel cells, the fact still remains that you have to somehow put energy into the system first to get your hydrogen. Its still energy 'storage' rather than creation.