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BobOki t1_j2da0q7 wrote

Don't care about your worthless meaningless ideology and race check boxes. Is she the best person for the job? If yes, then hire her, if no then hire the one who is. She is not here to be indigenous, female, etc, she's there to do the job and do it the best anyone can. How about were start there and then we can worry about that other crap as a secondary treat huh?


Sul_Haren t1_j2ddueo wrote

The position she was appointed for is specifically about indigenous rights, so yeah this absolutely is a case where her "race" is relevant.


BobOki t1_j2deco2 wrote

Being indigenous does not mean you are qualified for a job, unless that job is being indigenous. Side-by-side with another non-indigenous person if they were both equally qualified, that would certainly be the tie breaker, but that too often we continue to see this occurring. Hell, that's one of the reasons trump became president, people looked at other none important attributes he had before they looked if he was qualified. Spoiler alert, he wasn't.

Unless her primary defining attribute is she is indigenous, you are doing her, and everyone else a disservice by only carrying about that. It's not gay Frank, it's Frank who is also gay.

So again, if she is the most qualified person for the job, hire her, but if you are just hiring her because she indigenous, well that's a pretty poor thing to do for everyone.
