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Caspianfutw t1_j2beqp5 wrote

Not just repubs but dems too at the federal level including the pres. Go figure. Truly wont be legal till the feds let it be


djarvis77 t1_j2dnaiv wrote

The most recent vote on the MORE act saw

217 D- YEA

202 R- NAY

When it is voted on in the Senate it will be fillibustered for the R.

And it will see

48 D- YEA

48 R- NAY

It will fail.

But if it did not fail (as in: if some R's defect from the republicult hive mind...which they won't...but if they did), then when the bill got to Biden's desk he would sign it.

It is not the Democrats or the President stopping the legalization of Weed.