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Realistic-Plant3957 t1_j2l6ul1 wrote

Sister Mary Elizabeth had lived a devout, austere and mostly silent life as a nun, spending most of her days in her Carmelite cell in northern England.

Lisa would make her own way to one of the Roman Catholic churches in her home town and sit alone in the second pew - where she says she developed an overwhelming love for the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, and ultimately a feeling she had a vocation.

But, that day in the convent parlour, it all changed with the touch of a sleeve and a message asking if she would walk away from monastic life and get married.

"I didn't know what it feels like to be in love and I thought the sisters could see it in my face.

But he says the order taught him how to embrace darkness, difficulties and crisis to the point where he felt settled.

And I didn't feel any different about God, and that was reassuring to me," says Lisa.