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SFWaccount87 t1_j3mkf2b wrote

Not if Republicans take over Office. They will fight tooth and nail to open it back up.


TastyCartographer630 t1_j3n7pqj wrote

The healing of the ozone layer was due to a global effort, not just an American one, and had been steadily improving for over 30 years now


Extension-Ad-2760 t1_j3nh5k6 wrote

Come on. It's true that republican governments are definitely worse for the environments, but not to that extent, and it's unnecessary to introduce such bipartisan politics to this subreddit.


hamzer55 t1_j3o02ds wrote

Not really, it was a rare problem where everyone globally agreed to a solution to the problem


CodyEngel t1_j3nj2a1 wrote

I dunno, they are all for building walls and closing things up.


Eveelution07 t1_j3nnsq4 wrote

I mean, I'm sure people's carbon footprint goes up once in America. Maybe the wall is saving the planet


Simply_Epic t1_j3pzp6i wrote

Republicans don’t really have a stake in CFCs, so I don’t think we have to worry about them on this particular issue.