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razor_eddie t1_j3xge64 wrote

>then wildfires

Largest ever Californian wildfire was just over a million acres. In 2020. That year, the wildfires burned just over 4 million acres. Which was a record.

In Aus, in 2020, bushfires burned about 10 times as much acreage (46 million). A bad year, but not the worst.

In the last 20 years, the 99 million acre one in the Northern Territory.

THe 1974-5 season took out 290 million acres. (The state of California is 104 million acres in size).

Trust me, Australian bushfires make californian ones look tiny.

The bad season in 2020, the Southern Alps in New Zealand got a fair dusting of ash from the Australian bushfires. That;s like getting the ash from a California fire in Arkansas.

Australian trees (eucalypts) have evolved to survive bushfires, there are that many of them. Australia does bushfires worse than anyone else.


sanemartigan t1_j3y3xk5 wrote

It was more about saying they're from cali.


razor_eddie t1_j3y4pcm wrote

Like vegans or people with hobby farms?


fleebleganger t1_j403g0y wrote

Or people with palatine. Damnit, autocorrect. Those fancy bikes that “had a scandal” when they came out because of something in the ad. Whenever someone owns one it’s not an exercise bike it’s a “peligrini”.


Rosie2jz t1_j3zac2f wrote

Remember when we convinced California to import Eucalyptus trees and then they ran wild and took over and now Cali's bushfires are 10x worse then they ever were? California wildfires are pretty similar to ours and both our fire fighters share training, personal and equipment during bad seasons.


razor_eddie t1_j3zfelb wrote

Yeah, they're a trap, eucalypts. Excellent firewood, mind you.

And Aus and Canada and Cali (and NZ) sharing firefighters every year is a heartwarming thing.


Hfino t1_j3zvuny wrote

Same thing happened in Portugal. The country with the most eucalyptus per sqm in the world.


Ethicaldreamer t1_j3ypens wrote

Are you saying we should nuke Australia since their forest fires cause so many emissions? Noted


razor_eddie t1_j3yrxy2 wrote

You want radioactive drop bears?

Because that's how you get radioactive drop bears.


Ethicaldreamer t1_j3yvr6d wrote

Had to search what a drop bear is. Someone needs to fix the wiki page for it to better explain that they are real, and will eat your face.


PerriX2390 t1_j3yxfxj wrote

> Someone needs to fix the wiki page for it to better explain that they are real, and will eat your face.

Of course they're real. Thankfully just a bit of vegemite behind your ear and they'll leave you alone when bushwalking.


-stuey- t1_j40016u wrote

Don’t tell him about the hoop snakes


AR96-BDB t1_j40tkq1 wrote

Don't quote me, but I remember reading somewhere that so much vegetation was burnt in Australia's December 2019-january 2020 bushfire that the ash plumes cooled the planet 0.25-0.5 Celsius, owing to it blocking the sun partially.

Again, I'm not sure if it was real or just nonsense.


razor_eddie t1_j428oco wrote

Wouldn't surprise me. If a volcanic eruption can do it (Tambora in indonesia erupted in 1815, which lead to the "year without summer" because of particulates in the atmosphere.