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appleflaxen t1_j5t0kfr wrote

> cult classic

Really? It was a blockbuster movie release.


Arodg25 t1_j5tfuap wrote

That formed a fan cult.


appleflaxen t1_j5tggbc wrote

Yes, like that other Spielberg cult classic: Raiders of the Lost Ark


Arodg25 t1_j5tl98q wrote

I don't think theres a large enough cult following of Raiders. So it's mostly regular fans.


Usual_Memory t1_j5vxskp wrote

Nowhere near the super-fan following of the Goonies, honestly I have watched The Goonies in rhe last year and I can't even think of the last time I even heard of The Raiders of the Lost Ark, let alone watched it.