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SmellyGoat11 t1_j5wcgd9 wrote

Neat, where can I learn more--- or would you be kind enough to take the time to give me the lowdown?


idiotcontrolnow112 t1_j5wcx3f wrote

I’ve learned a lot from r/IndianCountry


QuestioningEspecialy t1_j5xhs3g wrote

...How are the mods? If I'm gonna get burned, let me know now so I can have the cream ready.


UnicornOnTheJayneCob t1_j5ylopk wrote

Good question! It is really long, like explaining the Old Testament or something like that. But First Woman is basically the mother goddess-equivalent mixed with an Eve-equivalent. She and First Man came to be in the First World as spiritual beings, gained consciousness, and brought the People to this world (the fourth or fifth world, where we are now). After lots of other stuff that happened, they formed the sun and moon and land and stars, and formed themselves bodies to inhabit and became humans.

The creation myth is called the Diné Bahane, if you want to look it up! Also, Wally Brown, a Navajo historian, has some slightly long winded but highly informative videos about it on YT. My favorite source about Navajo culture in general (though not necessarily about mythology) on YT though is Navajo Grandma. She talks a little bit about the origins of the people here, mostly starting with Changing Woman.