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myfugi t1_j7vn9mu wrote

Heck yeah! Do you know how much more recycling would happen? How much less litter there would be? I’m on board. Bottle bills are great.


houseman1131 t1_j7vqnld wrote

It would be nice if recycling centers didn't send all the plastic to a landfill anyway. Just seems like a way to make money without changing anything.


NoMoOmentumMan t1_j7wlaxi wrote

Michigan has the highest deposit rates in the county. SE Michigan is also covered in litter. Those two things have zero correlation.


Shisty t1_j7wnek1 wrote

My city doesnt offer any sort of recycling, will this bill change things? Yes, my cost of good will increase while nothing else changes.

Stop taxing shit for private companies to profit from.