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LydJaGillers t1_j852hj5 wrote

It’s a catch 22 right. The entire basis of confession is trusting the guy you tell your deepest darkest secrets to, right? And if you can’t trust him (obviously I’m not supporting the church’s stance here) then people won’t talk.

So the abusers confess bc they know they won’t be sent to prison. But if they know he will tell, then they aren’t likely to confess, defeating the purpose of both reporting and confession.

I want them to be forced to report. But I don’t see this as increasing the ability to catch paedophiles.


darlantan t1_j85z2ck wrote

> And if you can’t trust him (obviously I’m not supporting the church’s stance here) then people won’t talk.

If your deep, dark secret is that you continue to molest children...well, maybe you don't deserve to get a free pass out of any feelings of guilt you might have, or at least not from a source that will do essentially nothing to prevent you from doing it again.


LydJaGillers t1_j87vwgn wrote

I mean that’s my point. They feel they can get away with it via confession so they confess knowing no one will report them. Neither situation will stop the crime. It’ll just make getting the confession out of them less easier.


Actor412 t1_j863y9k wrote

The problem is that the RCC itself doesnt respect "the sanctity of confession." They have used the information revealed to remove predators from high-income, high-visibility areas and move them to places where they can rape kids & no one will know. ie., Places that oversee native/indigenous kids.

The RCC didn't turn a blind eye to the issue: the knowingly and intentionally promoted it by moving child molesters to oversee kids, as well as bribing and manipulating officials to allow it to continue.

This isn't just a Washington issue. The same modus operandi has been going on across the world, for as long as there are records.

edit: spelling


Rocketgirl8097 t1_j859i69 wrote

I don't know that they can think this rationally. Or they wouldn't be doing what they are doing. The confession is to "save their soul."


Karmakazee t1_j85eyho wrote

Confession is to exert power over group members by requiring them to bare their deepest darkest secrets to an authority figure on pain of eternal damnation. Plenty of cults use the same tool. It’s shockingly effective at keeping people obedient and amenable.


CharlieChowderButt t1_j85geuv wrote

An E-Meter can’t rape a kid. I guess at least the Scientologists have improved something.


Karmakazee t1_j85gj5z wrote

Give them a couple thousand years to refine their techniques. I’m sure they’d get there.