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darlantan t1_j85ynyn wrote

> Clergy should report all crimes heard in confession.

I disagree with this, but crimes with definite victims who are not able to protect themselves certainly deserve to be reported.


Rocketgirl8097 t1_j86cpm6 wrote

Why don't you think all crimes should be reported? All crimes have a victim. How about identity theft, especially that takes advantage of elderly?


Obtersus t1_j86ghl8 wrote

>All crimes have a victim.

No, they don't. This should be true, but there are loads of victimless crimes people get arrested and imprisoned for. Things like possession of a controlled substance.


doge_gobrrt t1_j872h9k wrote

ikr it's a free country

if you cause yourself damage through some drug that's on you right?


Obtersus t1_j8793ut wrote

Believe it or not, straight to jail.


doge_gobrrt t1_j87iwt7 wrote

believe it or not straight to jail

straight to jail with you


Rocketgirl8097 t1_j89my31 wrote

The physical damage is to you. Did you work or drive while high and potentially harm someone else? What about the emotional damage to the family? The damage to taxpayers to keep you in jail?