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Konbattou-Onbattou t1_j96u0p3 wrote

Those are logs floating on that lake


Bigbluebananas t1_j974p7x wrote

Spirit lake was a beautiful lake in its prime, still recovering though. Did you know when all the lahar and sediment and trees rushed into the lake it sent a "splash" up several hundred feet into the air!


eagle14410 t1_j97u3uc wrote

About a 800 foot wave, hence how all the logs got in the lake.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j984008 wrote

That and they were already airborne.


eagle14410 t1_j992lxr wrote

The trees didn’t fly, hence the look of them all laying flat like toothpicks. The pyroclastic flow blew the trees over, then the North side of the mountain collapsed, causing a landslide that pushed the water out of the lakebed, up the hillside, and pulled all the fallen trees on the north side hill above the lake.